hillel academy
of pittsburgh
Help us EDUcate
more students like
Yitzy Sutofsky
for a bright future.
Last year we lost a beloved student and friend, Yitzy Sutofsky z”l. We, Yitzy's Friends, are determined to ensure Yitzy's legacy lives on. We have taken it upon ourselves to dedicate the newly renovated campus at Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh in his name, where Yitzy learned and infused the entire Hillel Academy with a tremendous Ruach Ha’Torah, Spirit of Torah, so Yitzy can continue being elevated by all the learning & good deeds being done in his campus.
A generous donor has agreed to match up to $3 million
to the completion of our building project,
with the desire to name our newly renovated campus
in memory of our dear friend and student
Yitzy Sutofsky z”l.
Your donation will make the difference.
Help us meet our goal and realize
the Hillel Academy Yitzy Sutofsky z”l Campus.
Who was Yitzy Sutofsky?
Yitzy Sutofsky z”l was a special gem. A beloved student who passed away last year, his absence has left an indelible mark in our classrooms, hallways, beis medrash, and fields. Even through a very difficult illness, he never once lost his emunah (faith) in Hashem, accepting with love that everything He does is for the best, even if we don't always understand his ways.
With your help we can reach our financial goal of
for the Hillel Academy Yitzy Sutofsky z”l Campus,
to foster future students just like Yitzy.
$3 million to match the $3 million
Naming Opportunities
Main Building Naming Rights
Girl's High School Addition
(Charles Morris Trust)
New Gymnasium and Community Center
New STEM Lab
New HVAC System
New Fire Suppression System
New Middle School Girls Wing
Primary School (K-4) Wing
Girls High School Collaboration Space
Gym Stage
3-Stop Elevator
Sky Conference Room
Donor Wall
Art Room
Hillel Academy Entrance Lobby
(Yossi and Laura Goldman)
Hillel Academy Kitchen
Student Special Services Room
Middle School Girls Lounge
Security Booth
GHS and Middle School Classrooms
K-4 Classrooms
Early Childhood Classrooms (9)
K-4 Principal's Offices (2)
Washing Station
Mezuzah (50)
Main Building
New Beis Hamedrash
Aron Kodesh
Beit Midrash Furnishings
(Mendel & Devorah Jacobson)
Otzar HaSeforim
(David and Lauren Jacobson)
Beit Medrash Entry Way
(Jason and Avital Goldwasser)
All gifts to the Yitzy Sutofsky z”l Campus campaign
will be recognized at the Yitzy Sutofsky z”l Campus Grand Opening Event on September 1st, 2024,
and a special section of the Donor Recognition Wall.
If there is something else you would like to sponsor for donor recognition please feel free to ask me.
Pledges can be paid out over 3 to 5 years.
Contact us and make a difference now!
Speak to Dan Kraut Today
hillel academy
of pittsburgh